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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 5

Autor(i):Chambers, Edmund Kerchever
Naslov:The Mediaeval Stage / E. K. Chambers
Impresum:New York : Dover Publications , 1996
Materijalni opis:2 sv. : ilustr. ; 21 cm
Napomena:Dva sveska uvezana zajedno. - Ovo Doverovo izdanje u jednom svesku novo je izdanje djela originalno izdanog u dva sveska, izdavača Oxford University Press, London, 1903. - Bibliografija uz pojedina poglavlja. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:kazalište, srednjovjekovno * srednjovjekovno kazalište
Sažetak:VOLUME I. -BOOK I. MINSTRELSY. -The fall of the theatres. -Mimus and Scop. -The minstrel life. -The Minstrel repertory. -BOOK II. FOLK DRAMA. -The religion of the folk. -Village festivals. -Festival play. -The May-game. -The Sword-dance. -The Mummer's play. -New Year customs. -The Feast of Fools. -The Feast of Fools (continued). -The Boy Bishop. -Guild Fools and Court Fools. -Masks and Misrule. -VOLUME II. -BOOK III. RELIGIOUS DRAMA. -Liturgical Plays. -Liturgical Plays (continued). -The Secularization of the Play. -Guild Plays and Parish Plays. -Guild Plays and parish Plays (continued). -Moralities, Puppet-Plays and Pageants. -BOOK IV. THE INTERLUDE. -Players of Interludes. -Humanism and Mediaevalism. -APPENDICES. -A. The Tribunus Voluptatum. -B Tota Ioculatorum Scena. -C Court Minstrelsy in 1306. -D The Minstrel Hierarchy. -E Extracts from Account Books. -F Minstrel Guilds. -G Thomas de Cabham. -H Princely Pleasures at Kenilworth. -I The Indian Village Feast. -J Sword-Dances. -K The Lutterworth St. George Play. -L The Prose of the Ass. -M The Boy Bishop. -N Winter Prohibitions. -O The Regularis Concordia of St. Ethelwold. -P The Durham sepulcrum. -The Dublin Quem Quaeritis. -S The Aurea Missa of Tournai. -T Subjects of the Cyclical Miracles. -U Interludum de Clerico et Puella. -V Terentius et Delusor. -W Representations of Medieval Plays. -Z Texts of Medieval Plays and Interludes
Podaci o svescima:Vol.1. - XLII, 419 str.
Vol.2. - 480 str.
Signatura:792 CHA M
Inventarni broj:99/71
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Naslov:The Millon inventories : clinical and personality assessment / edited by Theodore Million
Impresum:New York ; London : Guilford , cop. 1997
Materijalni opis:553 str
Napomena:Bibliografija iza svakog poglavlja. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:procjena ličnosti * MCMI * Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory * MACI * Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory * MBHI * Millon Behavioral Health Inventory * MBMC * Millon Bahavioral Medicine Consult * MPDC * Millon Personality Diagnostic Checklist * PACL * Personality Adjective Check List * MIPS * Millon Index of Personality Styles
Sažetak:I: Introduction The place of assessment in clinical science / Theodore Millon and Roger D. Davis II: The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) * History, theory, and validation of the MCMI / Theodore Millon and Carrie M. Millon * Interpretation of the MCMI-III / Eric J. Van Denburg and James P. Choca * MCMI assessment: An integrative case study / Roger D. Davis and Theodore Millon * Clinical integration of the MCMI-III and the comprehensive system Rorschach / Darwin Dorr * Integrating the MCMI and the MMPI / Michael H. Antoni * Application of the Millon inventories in forensic psychology / Frank J. Dyer * Using the MCMI in correctional settings / Carrie M. Millon and Theodore Millon * Using the MCMI in neuropsychological evaluations / Sally L. Kolitz Russell and Elbert W. Russell * MCMI applications for substance abuse / Patrick M. Flynn and Robert C. McMahon * The MCMIs and posttraumatic stress disorder / Lee Hyer, Jeffrey Brandsma and Stephanie Boyd * The MCMI as a treatment planning tool / Paul Retzlaff * Using the MCMI in treating couples / A. Rodney Nurse * The Millon inventories: Sociocultural considerations / Luis A. Escovar * Issues and procedures in MCMI translations / Hedwig V. Sloore and Jan J. L. Derksen * A selected review of the MCMI empirical literature / Robert J. Craig * Validation of the MCMI-III / Roger D. Davis, Andrew Wenger and Alexandra Guzman III: The MACI, MBHI, MBMC, and MPDC * The MACI: Composition and clinical applications / Joseph T. McCann * The MBHI: Composition and clinical applications / George S. Everly, Jr. and Eileen C. Newman * The role of psychological assessment in health care: The MBHI, MBMC, and beyond / Michael H. Antoni, Carrie M. Millon and Theodore Millon * The MPDC: Composition and clinical applications / Robert F. Tringone IV: The PACL and MIPS * The PACL: Gauging normal personality styles / Stephen Strack * The MIPS: Gauging the dimensions of normality / Lawrence G. Weiss V: Epilogue The Millon inventories: Present and future directions / Roger D. Davis and Theodore Millon
APA CC:2224
Ostali autori / urednici:Million, Theodore
Signatura:2224 97 MIL
Inventarni broj:9581
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Naslov:Philosophy of film and motion pictures : an anthology / edited by Noël Carroll and Jinhee Choi
Impresum:Malden [etc.] : Blackwell Publishing , 2006
Materijalni opis:x, 430 str. ; 25 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Blackwell philosophy anthologies
Napomena:Bibliografske bilješke uz poglavlja
Ključne riječi:filozofija filma * igrani film
Sažetak:<Scruton, Roger>, Photography and representation. -<Lopes, Dominic, McIver>, The aesthetics of photographic transparency. -<Rafferty, Terrence>, Everybody gets a cut. -<Cavell, Stanley>, From the world viewed. -<Langer, Susanne K.>, A note on the film. -<Sparshott, F. E.>, Vision and dream in the cinema. -<Currie, Gregory>, The long goodbye. -<Danto, Arthur C.>, Moving pictures. -<Carroll, Noël>, Defining the moving image. -<Currie, Gregory>, Visible traces. -<Carroll, Noël>, Fiction, non-fiction, and the film of presumptive assumption. -<Wilson, George M.>, Le grand imagier steps out. -<Currie, Gregory>, Unreliability refigured. -<Carroll, Noël>, Film, emotion, and genre. -<Walton, Kendall>, Fearing fictions. -<Neill, Alex>, Empathy and (film) fiction. -<Gaut, Berys>, Identification and emotion in narrative film. -<Knight, Deborah>, In fictional shoes. -<Wilson, George M.>, Morals for method. -<Livingston, Paisley>, Cinematic authorship. -<Choi, Jinhee>, National cinema. -<Kupfer, Joseph H.>, Film criticism and virtue theory. -<Devereaux, Mary>, Beauty and evil. -<Vadas, Melinda>, A first look at the pornography/civil rights ordinance. -<Russell, Bruce>, The philosophical limits of film. -<Hanson, Karen>, Minerva in the movies. -<Hunt, Lester, H.>, Film as a philosophical resource
Ostali autori / urednici:Carroll, Noël ; Choi, Jinhee
Namjena :doktorski studij književnosti
Signatura:791.43 PHI
Inventarni broj:III-3274, III-3906, III-3910
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):George, F. H.
Naslov:Cognition / by F. H. George
Impresum:London : Methuen and co. , cop. 1962
Materijalni opis:309 str
Nakladnička cjelina:Methuen's manuals of modern psychology
Napomena:Bibliografija. - Kazala
APA CC:2340
Inventarni broj:2716
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Naslov:Antologija evropske lirike : od srednjeg vijeka do romantizma / [priredio] Nikola Milićević
Izdanje:2. dopunjeno izd
Impresum:Zagreb : Školska knjiga , 1976
Materijalni opis:381 str. ; 21 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Dobra knjiga ; kolo 1, komplet 1
Napomena:Str. 5-22: Uvod / N. M
Ključne riječi:poezija - europska
Sažetak:Vilim grof od Poitiersa. -Marcabru. -Rudel J.. -Ventadorn B. de. -Daniel A.. -Dia La Comtessa de. -Born B. de. -Vidal P.. -Codax M.. -Zorro J.. -Meogo P.. -Fernandez R.. -Bonaval B. de. -Ponte P. da. -Meendinho. -Dinis D.. -Vogelweide W. von der. -Aist D. von. -Aue H. von. -d'Alcamo C.. -Lenrini J. da. -Todi J. da. -Guinizelli G.. -Cavalcanti G.. -Angiolieri C.. -Alighieri D.. -Petrarca F.. -Rutbeuf. -Deschamps E.. -Pisan C. de. -d'Orleans C.. -Villon F.. -Ruiz J.. -Santillana M. de. -Manrique J.. -San Jordi J. de. -March A.. -Chaucer G.. -Bojardo M.M.. -Medici L. de. -Poliziano A.. -Ariosto L.. -Buonarotti M.. -Stampa G.. -Tasso T.. -Marot C.. -Sceve M.. -Labe L.. -Bellay J. du. -Ronsard P. de. -Malherbe F.. -Desportes P.. -d'Aubigné. -Vega Carpio, Lope Felix de. -Herrera F. de. -Leon F. L. de. -Camoes L. de. -Shakespeare, William. -Kochanowski J.. -Balint B.. -Marino G.. -Gongora L. de. -Lope de Vega. -Vega l. de. -Quevedo F. de. -Barca P. C. de la. -Viau T. de. -Flaming P.. -Gryphius A.. -Silesiou A.. -Donne J.. -Herbert G.. -Carew T.. -Vaugham H.. -Milton J.. -Marvell A.. -Pope A.. -Burns R.. -Blake W.. -Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. -Schiller F.. -Hoelderlin F.. -Chénier A.. -Novalis. -Brentano C.. -Eichendorff J. von. -Heine H.. -Lenau N.. -Moerike E.. -Storm T.. -Wordsworth, William. -Coleridge S.T.. -Byron, George Gordon Noel, baron. -Shelley P.B.. -Keats J.. -Tennyson A.. -Browning R.. -Poe, Edgar Allan. -Lamartine A. de. -Vigny A. de. -Hugo V.. -Musset A. de. -Gautier T.. -Nerval G. de. -Foscolo U.. -Leopardi G.. -Espronceda J. de. -Bécquer G. A.. -Almeida garrett J. B. de. -Puškin A.. -Tjutčev F.. -Ljermontov M.. -Švečenko T.. -Mickiewicz A.. -Slowacki J.. -Macha K. H.. -Petöfi S.
Ostali autori / urednici:Milićević, Nikola
Signatura:82(08) ANTOLO
Inventarni broj:81/329
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(George F. H. )
